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2011. 6. 1. 10:59 Programming/C/C++/C#

void InitializeComponent(void) {

this->KeyDown += gcnew System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventHandler(this, &Form1::Form1_KeyDown);

private: void Form1_KeyDown(System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventArgs^ e)
    if (e->Control &&  e->KeyCode == System::Windows::Forms::Keys::D)

       MessageBox::Show(this,"KeyPreview is True, and this came from the FORM");
posted by stluck
2011. 5. 22. 23:50 Programming/C/C++/C#

1. i2cWrite
public USB_Adapter_Driver.USB_Adapter.Status i2cWrite(System.Byte devAddr, System.Byte command, System.Int32 dataLen, System.Byte[] data)

실제 사용함수(Auto Compliation)
USB_Adapter_Driver::USB_Adapter::Status USB_Adapter_Driver::USB_Adapter::i2cWrite(unsigned char devAddr, unsigned char command, int dataLen, cli::array<unsigned char>^ data)
==> 왜 다르게 나오지?


   array<unsigned char,1>^MyArray3 = gcnew array<unsigned char,1>(100);
    MyArray3[0] = 10;
    MyArray3[1] = 11;
    MY_USB.i2cWrite( Convert::ToByte( nUD_DeviceAddress->Text ), Convert::ToByte( nUD_StartRegisterAddress -> Text ),   2 , MyArray3 );

 array<unsigned char^,1>^MyArray3 = gcnew array<unsigned^ char,1>(100);
 MY_USB.i2cWrite( Convert::ToByte( nUD_DeviceAddress->Text ), Convert::ToByte( nUD_StartRegisterAddress -> Text ), 2 , MyArray3 );
==> 요렇게 했더니 4번째 인수가 다르다고 에러 침. Type 선언 부분의 ^ 을 놓쳤음.

posted by stluck
2011. 5. 22. 20:41 Programming/C/C++/C#

unsigned char 에 String을 넣을 때 Byte로 변환 즉, Convert::Byte() 로 변환해서 넣자.
posted by stluck